Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Leanne (Jane Danson) is delighted to discover that the insurance company are issuing a cheque for nearly the full amount they requested and Dan (Matthew Crompton) suggests the sooner she gives Paul (Tom Hudson) his share the better so they can all move on and start afresh.
However, Paul's still bitter about how she duped him and when she hands over the cheque he asserts it's no consolation for her manipulating and using him.
Angered and hurt, Paul suggests if she really wants to make amends with him she should give him her share of the money.
After all, he committed the crime so he deserves the money. Leanne's shocked but Paul gives her an ultimatum - if he doesn't get all the money, he'll go to the police. What will Leanne do?
An upbeat Kirk (Andrew Whyment) arrives back from Cyprus and as Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) awkwardly accepts an affectionate hug, he reveals he has something important he needs to talk to her about.
Fiz is worried he's going to suggest they get back together and puts off the chat until later. She arrives home from work and bites the bullet, telling him she doesn't want to get back with him.
Bemused, Kirk explains he wanted to tell her that he's met someone on holiday and he's in love. Fiz is amazed and relieved as he tells her all about his holiday romance, Julie, who lives in Manchester!
Audrey (Sue Nicholls) has been distracted since hearing about Ted's phone call and lies to an unconvinced Bill that she's just worried about David.
Later, in the café, she gives Rita (Barbara Knox) the full history of her relationship with Ted. It was a very turbulent time of her life and she used him, getting pregnant with Gail (Helen Worth) to force him into marriage and then changing her mind.
She never loved him even though he was besotted with her. Audrey doesn't know if she can open such an old can of worms, especially given Gail's situation at present, but she is curious as to what he wants? Will she drag up the past?
Elsewhere, Jason (Ryan Thomas) and Becky (Katherine Kelly) both had a good time last night and arrange to go out again.